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Rights of Relatives According to Islam

Islam has laid down a great importance regarding rights of relatives. As we know Individuals make families, families make tribes and tribes make nations. Therefore, the harmony, peace, prosperity and fraternity in the family closely leads to the prosperity, peace and advancement of the nation. Islam, consequently has laid much importance upon the association of family relations and blood ties.

Rights of family members upon each other and obligations and duties towards family associates and near kindred have been particularly emphasized by the Holy Quran and the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) of Islam. There are numerous Verses in the Holy Quran and there are several Ahadiths of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Hi m) of Islam which order upon the believers to admit the rights of their relatives, near kinsfolk and kindred, and release their duties towards them.

According to one hadith of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), if any one of our relations does not treat us well, even then we have to treat him fairly. As we know, Islam orders us not only to be best or kind to those who are kind to us, but also to be kind or helpful to those who are not kind to us. This shows model moral character according to the norm of Islam. The spirit of Islam is thus to serve Allah Almighty and do good to our fellow beings, including the faunae and flora. The worship of Allah is related with compassion to parents, kindred, and those in poverty. It is not a matter of spoken compassion. They have certain privileges which must be satisfied. From the Holy Quran and traditions, we find that the organization of the family can only be preserved by feelings of kindness and well-wishing. So, the Islamic laws of decency and morality must be detected. while going for Hajj or Umrah through Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, is it obligatory to go and see all the relatives, friends and asking about compassion.